The bird outside my window, God and me.
The Magic of Bluebills in the Snow
The Magic starts in the predawn darkness, as you step out of the truck for the first time and the wind bites you. You can hear the cries of snow geese migrating overhead in the inky black sky. ... Never were there written better words describing what a snow-blown morning with recklessly-decoying bluebills will do for the soul of the true duck hunter.
The Rais~A~Ruckus Story
Rais-A-Ruckus Game Calls: Hand Crafting Quality In Monroe, Georgia
By Nick Carter
“We ain’t got no saw, so you boys best hold on.”
It was fair warning in straight Cajun. Jeff Guidry backed up the 18-foot welded aluminum duck boat, goosed the throttle and slammed the bow into a 5-feet-in-diameter cypress stump. It took a few tries for the hollowed-out old swamp sentry to buckle and fall before 10 feet of timber were loaded among the shotguns and decoy bags along with the morning’s harvest of mallards and wood ducks.
Rescue Boats
Turkey Calling...Get aggressive but hold back
Sunsets and Rainbows
Go Squirrel Hunting.... PLEASE!
Here's to grandpas and grandkids
Dedicated to the loving Memory of John Turner Rupard, who shared with me my first squirrel hunt. Here’s to the hours to come with my father and kids in the blind.